Beyond the Human Atom
La Chambre Blanche QUEBEC 2014
Au-delà de l’atome humain
From August 19 to September 21 2014, LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE welcomes the Italian artist Anthony Di Furia for a site-specific residency. This event is a part of an exchange program with the center Rad’Art located in Italy.
For this work entitled ‘’Beyond the human atom’’ the audio artist explores the hardship of communication but also the possibility of creating a common ‘’ language’’ between people with the help of new technologies. He addresses the many faces of society such as: science, religion and psychology through an in-depth analysis of these existing systems.
Thus the participants will be asked to utter sounds as well as, transform and move the sound environment in order to create a new, original language, for each and everyone. With this commingling of sounds, Di Furia recreates in a way the international atmosphere of the ‘’Spanish Inn’’ around a traditional campfire. The artist will use in particular the brainwaves EEG and Leap Motion technologies.
First Order Ambisonics to Binaural

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